The Energy Essentials Podcast from Cornwall Insight

35) The impact of ESG investing on pensions

July 15, 2021 Cornwall Insight
The Energy Essentials Podcast from Cornwall Insight
35) The impact of ESG investing on pensions
Show Notes

Cornwall Insight’s Research Partner, Dan Atzori, discusses the impact of ESG investing on pensions with Sasha Butterworth, Head of Pensions at UK law firm TLT, and Tegolin Harding, Director at Independent Trustee Services (ITS).

The UK is determined to secure leadership in everything related to ESG investment and green finance, ahead of the much anticipated 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), which is set to take place in Glasgow later this year.

In particular, investors are increasingly assessing the opportunities unleashed by the issuance of the country’s first green bonds, by the roadmap towards mandatory disclosures and the publication of a UK taxonomy.

But what will be the impact of ESG-compliant investing on returns? How is the pension sector going to be impacted by mandatory disclosures and taxonomies, and how will the investment strategies of pension schemes be affected? How can the industry tackle greenwashing? And what will be the future role of pension funds in mobilising capital for infrastructure and renewable energy projects as we move towards net zero? Join us as our experts will answer these and other questions. 

Read our upcoming report on green finance

Cornwall Insight and UK law firm TLT will be soon publishing a report to assess how the UK can secure its role as a global hub for green finance. Please get in touch with us for further details.